Global Lighting Technologies’s stock is traded in Taiwan Stock Exchange with Stock Code of 4935.
The stock prices for the last 5 years are shown for reference below:
Year | Number of Shares Traded | Turnover Traded | Number of Transactions Traded | The Highest Price | Date | The Lowest Price | Date | Average Closing Price |
2024 | 93,238,356 | 6,211,473,362 | 84,110 | 79.50 | October 23 | 48.60 | February 5 | 60.90 |
2023 | 29,988,837 | 1,635,740,702 | 23,089 | 61.00 | March 7 | 47.00 | October 31 | 54.37 |
2022 | 46,812,522 | 2,970,267,719 | 38,196 | 85.50 | January 4 | 47.10 | October 13 | 62.31 |
2021 | 221,458,735 | 21,901,583,061 | 163,997 | 115.00 | January 6 | 72.00 | October 5 | 92.05 |
2020 | 1,100,030,430 | 135,211,861,643 | 732,968 | 152.00 | May 27 | 72.70 | March 19 | 120.08 |
Note: The statistics cover general, odd shares, after-hour fixed price & huge amount transactions; excluding auction & bid purchasing.